Application 2 Table of Contents
Description of Tasks
Task 1
Email the link to your repository and table of contents for your completed homework tasks. I understand that this is a very easy task. Make sure that the link is an absolute link. The link should be to the repository for the css formatted version.
Task 2
Implement a method/routine that computes and returns the absolute error in the approximation of a number x by another number y. Also create an entry for the method in your software manual.
Task 3
Implement a method/routine that computes and returns the relative error in the approximation of a number x by another number y. Also create an entry for the method in your software manual.
Task 4
Implement a method that will add two vectors of the same length. Also create an entry for the method in your software manual.
Task 5
Implement a method that will return a scalar multiple of a given vector. The method should require a vector and number for the operation. Add an entry to your software manual for this method.
Task 6
Implement a method that will compute the 2-norm of an arbitrary vector will real number entries. Add an entry to your for the method you create.
Task 7
Implement a method that will compute the 1-norm of an arbitrary vector will real number entries. Add an entry to your for the method you create.
Task 8
Implement a method that will compute the -norm of an arbitrary vector will real number entries. Add an entry to your for the method you create
Task 9
Write a routine that will generate a symmetric matrix that has real values in all entries of the matrix. Add an entry to your for the method you create.
Task 10
Search the internet for sites that discuss matrix norms. Look for sites that explain induced matrix norms. Write a brief summary of what you find. Limit the discussion to no more than two or three paragraphs and include links to the sites you cite.