Calculate the Double Precision Relative Error Between Two Scalars
This is a part of the student software manual project for Math 5610: Computational Linear Algebra and Solution of Systems of Equations.
Routine Name: rel_err_n
Author: Christian Bolander
Language: Fortran. This code can be compiled using the GNU Fortran compiler by
$ gfortran -c rel_err_n.f90
and can be added to a program using
$ gfortran program.f90 rel_err_n.o
Description/Purpose: This routine will compute the double precision relative error between two numbers. This is given by
where y is the approximation and x is the value being approximated.
x : REAL - actual value, double precision
y : REAL - approximation, double precision
e_rel : REAL - double precision relative error between x and y.
This routine can be implemented in a program as follows
x = 7.124645
y = 8.0
CALL rel_err_n(x, y, e_rel)
WRITE(*,*) e_rel
The output from the above code:
which is the relative error between x and y.
Implementation/Code: The code for rel_err_n can be seen below.
SUBROUTINE rel_err_n(x, y, e_rel)
REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: x, y
REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: e_rel
! Calculates the relative error between two numbers, x and y, where
! y is the approximation to x.
e_rel = ABS(x - y)/ABS(x)