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Repository containing homework assignments and software for Math 5610: Computational Linear Algebra and Solution of Systems of Equations

Solve a Square Linear System Using the Steepest Descent Method

This is a part of the student software manual project for Math 5610: Computational Linear Algebra and Solution of Systems of Equations.

Routine Name: steepest_descent

Author: Christian Bolander

Language: Fortran. This code can be compiled using the GNU Fortran compiler by

$ gfortran -c steepest_descent.f90

and can be added to a program using

$ gfortran program.f90 steepest_descent.o

Description/Purpose: This routine uses the steepest descent method to iteratively solve the system of equations given by:

by choosing to minimize the residual vector, rk and varying the step size in the direction of steepest descent, i.e.:


A : REAL - the input coefficient matrix of size n x n

n : INTEGER - the rank of A and the length of b and x

b : REAL - the right hand size vector of length n

tol : REAL - the tolerance between the iterations

maxiter : INTEGER - a limit on the maximum number of iterations to be performed by the Jacobi iteration

printit : INTEGER - if equal to 1, the algorithm prints the final convergence error and iteration count

x0 : REAL - the initial guess to the solution of Ax = bS


x0 : REAL - the solution to the system of equations given by Ax = b


This routine can be implemented in a program as follows

INTEGER :: n, maxiter, i, printit
REAL*8, ALLOCATABLE :: A(:, :), b(:), x(:)
REAL*8 :: tol, error

n = 3
maxiter = 1000
tol = 10.D-16
printit = 1
ALLOCATE(A(n, n), b(n), x(n))
A = RESHAPE((/7.D0, 3.D0, 1.D0, &
& 3.D0, 10.D0, 2.D0, &
& 1.D0, 2.D0, 15.D0/), (/n, n/), ORDER=(/2, 1/))
b = (/28, 31, 22/)
x = 0.D0
CALL steepest_descent(A, n, b, tol, maxiter, printit, x)
WRITE(*,*) x

The outputs from the above code:

   3.3287017925713278E-016          31
   2.9999999980826058        2.0000000016423951        1.0000000006619756  

This matches the answer given in Example 7.9 in Ascher (Ascher, U., and C. Greif. “A First Course in Numerical Methods. SIAM.” Society for (2011).) of x = (3, 2, 1).

Implementation/Code: The code for steepest_descent can be seen below.

SUBROUTINE steepest_descent(A, n, b, tol, maxiter, printit, x0)
	! Implements the steepest descent algorithm for solving a linear
	! system of equations.
	! Takes as inputs the coefficient matrix `A` of rank `n` as well
	! as the right-hand side vector `b` of length `n`. The argument
	! `tol` is given as the tolerance of convergence error and the
	! `maxiter` argument gives a limit to the number of iterations in
	! the algorithm. Finally, `printit` prints to the screen the
	! convergence error and iteration count if set to a value of 1.
	! The `x0` argument is passed in as the initial guess of the
	! solution to the system of equations and is passed out as the
	! final approximation at the end of the subroutine.
	INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n, maxiter, printit
	REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: A(n, n), b(n), tol
	REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: x0(n)
	! Sets up temporary variables that will be used in the algorithm.
	REAL*8 :: alpha, r0(n), r1(n), x1(n), d, s(n), temp
	! Initialize variables
	k = 0
	r0 = 0.D0
	r1 = 0.D0
	x1 = 0.D0
	d = 0.D0
	temp = 0.D0
	! Calculate the initial residual using the initial guess `x0`
	CALL mat_prod(A, x0, n, n, 1, r0)
	r0 = b - r0
	! Calculates the initial "error" using the residual
	CALL vec_dot_prod(r0, r0, n, d)
	! Iterates using the steepest descent algorithm until the "error" is
	! less than the given tolerance or the maximum number of iterations
	! is exceeded.
	DO WHILE (d > tol .AND. k < maxiter)
		! Calculate the product of `A` and the residual.
		CALL mat_prod(A, r0, n, n, 1, s)
		! Calculate the step size, `alpha`.
		CALL vec_dot_prod(r0, s, n, temp)
		alpha = d/temp
		! Increment `x0` and `r0` using the step size and the direction
		! `r0` that will drive the solution to a minimum residual.
		x1 = x0 + alpha*r0
		r1 = r0 - alpha*s
		! Calculate the "error" `d` (for delta).
		CALL vec_dot_prod(r1, r1, n, d)
		! Update variables and increment the counter.
		x0 = x1
		r0 = r1
		k = k + 1
	! If the `printit` argument is provided as 1, then print the final
	! convergence error and number of iterations.
	IF (printit == 1) THEN
		WRITE(*,*) d, k