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Repository containing homework assignments and software for Math 5610: Computational Linear Algebra and Solution of Systems of Equations

Solve the Least-Squares Problem Using the Normal Equations

This is a part of the student software manual project for Math 5610: Computational Linear Algebra and Solution of Systems of Equations.

Routine Name: solve_normal_equations

Author: Christian Bolander

Language: Fortran. This code can be compiled using the GNU Fortran compiler by

$ gfortran -c solve_normal_equations.f90

and can be added to a program using

$ gfortran program.f90 solve_normal_equations.o

Description/Purpose: This subroutine solves the least squares problem, given by

using the normal equations. If A has full column rank, then there is a unique solution that satisfies the normal equations

The algorithm is as follows (given in Ascher, U., and C. Greif. “A First Course in Numerical Methods. SIAM.” Society for (2011).)

  1. Form and .
  2. Compute the Cholesky Factor satisfying .
  3. Solve for z.
  4. Solve for x.


A : REAL - a coefficient matrix of size m x n

b : REAL - the right hand side vector of size m x 1

m : INTEGER - number of rows in A and b (corresponds to the number of data points available)

n : INTEGER - number of columns in A (corresponds to the order of fit for the data)


x : REAL - the solution to the least squares problem


This routine can be implemented in a program as follows (which follows example 6.1 in Ascher)

INTEGER :: m, n, i
REAL*8, ALLOCATABLE :: A(:, :), b(:), x(:)

m = 5
n = 3
ALLOCATE(A(1:m, 1:n), b(1:m), x(1:n))
A = RESHAPE((/1.D0, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, &
			& 2.D0, 3.0D0, 5.0D0, &
			& 5.D0, 3.0D0, -2.0D0, &
			& 3.D0, 5.0D0, 4.0D0, &
			& -1.D0, 6.0D0, 3.0D0/), (/m, n/), ORDER=(/2, 1/))
b = (/4.D0, -2.D0, 5.D0, -2.D0, 1.D0/)
CALL solve_normal_equations(A, b, m, n, x)
DO i = 1, n
	WRITE(*,*) x(i)

The outputs from the above code:


Implementation/Code: The code for solve_normal_equations can be seen below.

SUBROUTINE solve_normal_equations(A, b, m, n, x)
	! Takes as an input a coefficient matrix `A` of size `m` x `n`
	! (where m >> n) and a right-hand side matrix `b` of size `m` x 1.
	! Solves the least squares problem (min[x] ||b - Ax||) using the
	! normal equations.
	REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: A(1:m, 1:n), b(1:n)
	REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: x(1:n)
	REAL*8 :: big_B(1:n, 1:n), y(1:n), z(1:n)
	! Form B = A^T * A
	CALL mat_prod(TRANSPOSE(A), A, n, m, n, big_B)
	! Form y = A^T * b
	CALL mat_prod(TRANSPOSE(A), b, n, m, 1, y)
	! Compute the Cholesky Factor, G, where B = G * G^T
	CALL cholesky_factor(big_B, n)
	! Solve G * z = y for z using forward substitution
	CALL forwardsub(n, big_B, y, z)
	! Solve G^T * x = z for x using backward substitution
	CALL backsub(n, TRANSPOSE(big_B), z, x)