Find the Largest Eigenvalue (and Eigenvector) Using the Power Method
This is a part of the student software manual project for Math 5610: Computational Linear Algebra and Solution of Systems of Equations.
Routine Name: power_method
Author: Christian Bolander
Language: Fortran. This code can be compiled using the GNU Fortran compiler by
$ gfortran -c power_method.f90
and can be added to a program using
$ gfortran program.f90 power_method.o
Description/Purpose: This subroutine uses the power method to iteratively find the largest eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector. The algorithm for finding the eigenvector is as follows:
where is some normalization coefficient that guarantees that the norm of the eigenvector is one. Essentially this shows that the eigenvector can be seen as a linear combination of the eigenvectors xj and that the eigenvalue term in the summation will go to zero for every j > 1. Knowing this, the eigenvalue can be found by
via a Rayleigh quotient.
A : REAL - a coefficient matrix of size n x n
n : INTEGER - the rank of A and the length of the eigenvectors
v0 : REAL - the initial guess of the eigenvetor
tol : REAL - the exit tolerance for the algorithm
maxiter : INTEGER - the maximum number of iterations before exit
printit : INTEGER - flag for printing final convergence information
v1 : REAL - the final approximation of the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue
lam0 : REAL - the final approximation of the largest eigenvalue
This routine can be implemented in a program as follows (which follows Example 4 here)
INTEGER :: n, maxiter, i, printit
REAL*8, ALLOCATABLE :: A(:, :), v0(:), v(:)
REAL*8 :: tol, lam
n = 3
ALLOCATE(A(n, n), v0(n), v(n))
lam = 0.D0
tol = 10.D-16
maxiter = 10000
printit = 1
v0 = 1.D0
A = RESHAPE((/1.D0, 2.D0, 0.D0, &
& -2.D0, 1.D0, 2.D0, &
& 1.D0, 3.D0, 1.D0/), (/n, n/), ORDER=(/2, 1/))
CALL power_method(A, n, v0, tol, maxiter, printit, v, lam)
WRITE(*,*) lam, v
The outputs from the above code:
0.0000000000000000 34 ! Convergence error at exit and the exit iterations
2.9999999999999996 ! Approximation of largest eigenvalue
0.49999999999999994 0.49999999999999994 0.99999999999999989 ! Normalized eigenvector
Additionally, using this routine on an 20 x 20 Hilbert matrix can be done with the following code:
INTEGER :: n, maxiter, i, printit, j
REAL*8, ALLOCATABLE :: A(:, :), v0(:), v(:)
REAL*8 :: tol, lam
n = 20
ALLOCATE(A(n, n), v0(n), v(n))
lam = 0.D0
tol = 10.D-16
maxiter = 10000
printit = 1
v0 = 1.D0
DO i = 1, n
DO j = 1, n
A(i, j) = 1.0D0/(REAL(i) + REAL(j) - 1.0D0)
CALL power_method(A, n, v0, tol, maxiter, printit, v, lam)
WRITE(*,*) lam, v
and the output is
0.0000000000000000 15 ! Convergence error and number of iterations
1.9071347204072533 ! Eigenvalue
! Eigenvector
1.0000000000000000 0.63153893180834586 0.48170552470917699 0.39577939404225121 0.33864052058721722 0.29732839459896360 0.26579806044172338 0.24080108268105982 0.22041627505509773 0.20342569216373199 0.18901536311290157 0.17661823144515848 0.16582577118835690 0.15633539873115412 0.14791772253568922 0.14039535584329460 0.13362876033883500 0.12750652172661470 0.12193850695620556 0.11685094644504723
Implementation/Code: The code for power_method can be seen below.
SUBROUTINE power_method(A, n, v0, tol, maxiter, printit, v1, lam0)
! Implements the power method for finding the largest eigenvalue in
! a system.
! Takes as an input the matrix `A` of rank `n` that contains the
! system to be analyzed, an initial guess for the eigenvector, `v0`,
! a tolerance, `tol`, for exiting the iterative solver as well as a
! maximum number of iterations, `maxiter`. Finally, a flag to print
! the final number of iterations and convergence error, `printit` is
! an input. The output of the subroutine is the final eigenvector,
! `v1` produced from the algorithm (scaled by the element with the
! maximum absolute value) as well as the final eigenvalue, `lam0`.
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n, maxiter, printit
REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: A(n, n), v0(n), tol
REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: v1(n), lam0
REAL*8 :: vt(n), lam1, error, norm
! Initializes variables
vt = 0.D0
lam1 = 0.D0
error = 10.D0*tol
norm = 0.D0
k = 0
lam0 = 0.D0
v1 = 0.D0
! Find the first approximation of the eigenvector
CALL mat_prod(A, v0, n, n, 1, vt)
! Iterate until the error or number of iterations reaches the given
! limits
DO WHILE (error > tol .AND. k < maxiter)
! Normalize the eigenvector approximation to prevent overflow.
CALL l2_vec_norm(vt, n, norm)
v1 = vt*(1.D0/norm)
! Calculate the next approximation for the eigenvector
CALL mat_prod(A, v1, n, n, 1, vt)
! Find the corresponding eigenvalue
CALL vec_dot_prod(v1, vt, n, lam1)
! Calculate the error and increment values
error = ABS(lam1 - lam0)
lam0 = lam1
k = k + 1
! Normalizes the eigenvector according to the maximum absolute value
! of the elements.
CALL l_inf_vec_norm(v1, n, norm)
v1 = v1*(1.D0/norm)
! Prints the error and number of iterations when exiting.
IF (printit == 1) THEN
WRITE(*,*) error, k