Solve the Least-Squares Problem Using Householder Transforms
This is a part of the student software manual project for Math 5610: Computational Linear Algebra and Solution of Systems of Equations.
Routine Name: ls_solveqr
Author: Christian Bolander
Language: Fortran. This code can be compiled using the GNU Fortran compiler by
$ gfortran -c ls_solveqr.f90
and can be added to a program using
$ gfortran program.f90 ls_solveqr.o
Description/Purpose: This subroutine solves a least-squares system of equations using the Householder transforms.
The algorithm is as follows (given in Ascher, U., and C. Greif. “A First Course in Numerical Methods. SIAM.” Society for (2011).)
A : REAL - a coefficient matrix of size m x n
m : INTEGER - number of rows in A , the size of Q, and the length of rhs
n : INTEGER - number of columns in A and R
rhs : REAL - the right-hand side vector of size m x 1
Q : REAL (OPTIONAL) - the orthonormal column matrix of the QR factorization (size m x m)
R : REAL(OPTIONAL) - the upper triangular matrix of the QR factorization (size m x n)
factor : INTEGER - tells the subroutine whether to call the qr_factor_hh subroutine to decompose A into its QR factors
x : REAL - the solution to the least-squares linear system of equations
This routine can be implemented in a program as follows
INTEGER :: m, n, i, j, factor, method
REAL*8, ALLOCATABLE :: A(:, :), Q(:, :), R(:, :), x(:), rhs(:)
m = 5
n = 3
factor = 1
method = 0
ALLOCATE(A(1:m, 1:n), Q(1:m, 1:n), R(1:n, 1:n), x(1:n), rhs(1:m))
A = RESHAPE((/1.D0, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, &
& 2.D0, 3.0D0, 5.0D0, &
& 5.D0, 3.0D0, -2.0D0, &
& 3.D0, 5.0D0, 4.0D0, &
& -1.D0, 6.0D0, 3.0D0/), (/m, n/), ORDER=(/2, 1/))
rhs = (/4.D0, -2.D0, 5.D0, -2.D0, 1.D0/)
CALL ls_solveqr(A, m, n, rhs, Q, R, x, factor)
WRITE(*,*) x
or, if Q and R have already been calculated,
INTEGER :: m, n, i, j, factor, method
REAL*8, ALLOCATABLE :: A(:, :), Q(:, :), R(:, :), x(:), rhs(:)
INTEGER :: m, n, i, j, factor, method
REAL*8, ALLOCATABLE :: A(:, :), Q(:, :), R(:, :), x(:), rhs(:), b(:)
m = 5
n = 3
factor = 0
method = 0
ALLOCATE(A(1:m, 1:n), Q(1:m, 1:m), R(1:m, 1:n), x(1:n), rhs(1:m))
A = RESHAPE((/1.D0, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, &
& 2.D0, 3.0D0, 5.0D0, &
& 5.D0, 3.0D0, -2.0D0, &
& 3.D0, 5.0D0, 4.0D0, &
& -1.D0, 6.0D0, 3.0D0/), (/m, n/), ORDER=(/2, 1/))
CALL qr_factor_hh(A, m, n, Q, R)
rhs = (/4.D0, -2.D0, 5.D0, -2.D0, 1.D0/)
CALL ls_solveqr(A, m, n, rhs, Q, R, x, factor)
WRITE(*,*) x
The outputs from the above code:
0.34722617354196295 0.39900426742531991 -0.78591749644381215
This matches the results of Example 6.1 in Ascher.
Implementation/Code: The code for ls_solveqr can be seen below.
SUBROUTINE ls_solveqr(A, m, n, rhs, Q, R, x, factor)
! Takes as an input a coefficient matrix `A` of size `m` x `n` and
! its corresponding right-hand side vector `rhs` of length `m`. If
! `factor` is set to a value of 1, then the `Q` and `R` factors of
! `A` are calculated and then used to solve the least squares
! problem.
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m, n, factor
REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: A(m, n), rhs(m)
REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: Q(m, m), R(m, n)
REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: x(n)
REAL*8 :: c(n), c_d(m), temp(n, n), b(m)
! If factor is set to 1 then the QR factorization is performed.
! Otherwise it is assumed that the `Q` and `R` factors are passed
! in as arguments to the function.
IF (factor == 1) THEN
! Finds the QR factors of A using the Householder Transformation
! subroutine.
b = rhs
CALL qr_factor_hh(A, m, n, Q, R)
! Solves the system Q^T*b = c_d
CALL mat_prod(TRANSPOSE(Q), rhs, m, m, 1, c_d)
! Takes the first n values in c_d as c and takes the first n
! rows of R.
c = c_d(:n)
temp = R(:n, :)
! Uses backward substitution to solve the system R*x = c
CALL backsub(n, temp, c, x)