Homework 7 Task 6: Conjugate Gradient on Hilbert Matrices
Task: Try out the conjugate gradient method from the previous task on Hilbert matrices of order 4, 8, 16, and 32. Describe the results you obtained.
This process can be executed in Fortran with the following code.
INTEGER :: n, i, j, k, maxiter, printit
REAL*8, ALLOCATABLE :: A(:, :), x(:), b(:), x0(:)
REAL*8 :: tol, error
INTEGER :: s(1:4)
maxiter = 50000
tol = 10.D-16
printit = 1
s = (/4, 8, 16, 32/)
DO k = 1, SIZE(s)
DEALLOCATE(A, x, b, x0)
n = s(k)
ALLOCATE(A(n, n), x(n), b(n), x0(n))
WRITE(*,*) "Hilbert", n, "x", n
DO i = 1, n
DO j = 1, n
A(i, j) = 1.0D0/(REAL(i) + REAL(j) - 1.0D0)
x = 1.D0
CALL mat_prod(A, x, n, n, 1, b)
x0 = 0.D0
CALL cg_method(A, n, b, tol, maxiter, printit, x0)
CALL abs_err_vecl2(x, x0, n, error)
WRITE(*,*) "l2 absolute error"
WRITE(*,*) error
The results of running this code are shown here
Hilbert 4 x 4
6.5512287803440038E-036 6 ! Convergence error and number of iterations at exit.
l2 absolute error ! Between x = 1 and the approximation found by steepest_descent.
Hilbert 8 x 8
1.5753844737292138E-029 13
l2 absolute error
Hilbert 16 x 16
2.1131287064811690E-029 21
l2 absolute error
Hilbert 32 x 32
5.3857943014331820E-030 34
l2 absolute error
As can be seen, the solution obtained by the conjugate gradient method is not even close to the given solution of x (equal to n ones) for Hilbert matrices greater than or equal to 8 x 8. This is because the Hilbert matrices are terribly ill-conditioned (as the columns and rows become more and more dependent on one another as the size is increased). The conjugate gradient method, however, is much more efficient and accurate than the steepest descent method, with results given here.